Q: What is MCT's cancellation policy? A: Medford Childrenโs Therapy has instituted a 24-hour notification policy for canceling all in-clinic and telehealth appointments. In the event that you are unable to keep your/your childโs scheduled appointment, we ask that you contact our office as soon as possible. This will allow us the opportunity to manage our schedules and to offer available appointment times to another client; it also prevents unnecessary treatment set-up and planning by your/your childโs provider. To cancel or reschedule Occupational and Physical Therapy appointments call: (541) 613-6505 ext 3 or 1
Q: What if I/my child does not feel well? A: If you/your child is not well, please give us as much notice as possible when canceling their appointment. We do not want illness to spread to others. Special needs and medically fragile children need you to stay home and/or keep your child at home when either of you are sick. Please stay at home if you/your child have: - Vomited or had diarrhea in the past 24 hours - A rash, lice or nits - Strep throat or ear infection (until at least 24 hours after starting antibiotics). - An eye infection - A fever over 101 degrees in the past 24 hours - A sore throat for multiple days - A wet cough for multiple days - Tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 5 days - May find it difficult to participate in a therapy session *Additional policies may be implemented by the state and local guidelines in the case of an infectious outbreak. If you have questions regarding this health policy, please call us at (541) 613 -6505.
Q: What will the initial Occupational or Physical therapy evaluation look like? A: For Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy evaluations, the evaluating therapist works directly with your child and will ask questions of both you and your child depending on your childโs age. There will be lots of movement on equipment and mostly fun activities. There may be some table top activities, or range-of-motion measurements. Our therapists are experts at getting the information that they need out of seemingly routine kid centered activities. Most kids enjoy the initial evaluation. The evaluation will last from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on what is scheduled. At the end of the appointment, the therapist will be able to identify if further treatment is recommended.
Q: If treatment is recommended for Occupational or Physical Therapy, how does therapy get started? A: After your initial evaluation appointment, you will be notified if further treatment is recommended. If your insurance company requires additional information from your doctor and/or a prior authorization request for services, we will obtain the required paperwork (evaluation, plan of care and doctorโs orders) and fax it to your insurance company for you. Your insurance company will then decide if they will authorize services for your child and, once we receive authorization, we will contact you immediately to schedule treatment. If no authorization is required, our scheduler will call and work with you to schedule recommended treatment appointments once the evaluation report is completed. *In the event that treatment space is limited, we will offer to schedule you with a therapist on a cancellation basis until a permanent spot opens up. The therapist will remain the same for consistency purposes*