What is Pediatric Occupational Therapy (OT)?
Pediatric Occupational Therapy is a skilled therapeutic treatment, which focuses on helping infants, children, and young adults maximize their abilities to achieve the greatest possible degree of functional independence in all areas, or “occupations”, of their lives.
What are occupations in childhood?
Don't worry, we know your child isn't probably looking for a job yet. In this case, "occupation" means whatever occupies your time. When a student participates in an initial evaluation with an occupational therapist (OT), they will ask the student and family what is most meaningful to them, and what are some of the barriers to them participating fully in those activities. This could be anything from self-care (feeding, getting dressed) to participating in school (social skills, attention, regulation), and more. See list below for more examples:
Daily Living Skills
Household Responsibilities
Community Living Tasks
Play & Socialization
Independent Play
Cooperative Play
Pretend Play
Sports Recreation
Playing Games
Use of Toys
Establishing Friendships
Turn Taking
Engagement and Interaction
Social Greetings
​School Performance
Participation in Activities
Following Routines
Following Direction
Meeting Academic Standards
Organizing Materials
What is Occupational Therapy (OT) like at MCT?
Our Occupational Therapy services typically include;
an individualized evaluation, during which the client/family and occupational therapist determine the student’s goals,
customized intervention to improve the person’s ability to perform daily activities and reach the goals, and
regular check-ins to ensure that the goals are being met and/or make changes to the intervention plan.
Who can benefit from Occupational Therapy (OT) ?
At Medford Children's Therapy, we specialize in seeing children from birth to young adulthood who are dealing with the effects of disease, injury, birth defects, disability or developmental problems can benefit from treatment.
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory-Based Feeding Disorder
Sensory-Based Learning Difficulties
Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism/Aspergers/Pervasive Developmental Disorders)
Gross and Fine Motor Delays
Developmental Delays
Coordination and Balance Problems
Attention and Concentration Problems
Down Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Affects
Cerebral Palsy
Learning Problems
Birth Injuries or Defects
Traumatic Injuries (Brain, Spinal Cord, Hand)
Neurological Disorders
Chromosomal Disorders
Executive Function Disorders
For more information, watch the following videos for information on OT and sensory processing disorder as treated by occupational therapy.
For information on how to be seen at Medford Children's Therapy visit our Patient Information page!